Build stronger bonds with your community
Help and encourage Muslims to acquire knowledge of Islam, its history and culture, and to practice Islam as a complete way of life.
Muslim Children's Circle
MC2 provides children ages 6-11 an opportunity to come together, build strong Islamic identity, leadership skills and work towards establishing an environment of care.
STR!VE (ISK Youth Program)
Re-Connect with your Lord
Renew your Faith
Re-Energize Brotherhood/Sisterhood
Kingston Muslim Youth is an organized group of Muslim youth (aged 12-18). It has an executive committee supported by one or two adult advisers.
ISK Programs & Services
ISK operates an Islamic School, a library and organizes Islamic study groups, public lectures and other related activities. You may Download ISK School Welcome Package from ISK Resources section of the website.

Weekday Qur’an Classes
Qur’an classes are organized according to the child’s proficiency in Qur’anic Studies. There is a placement tests in the first week of school to determine their level.
All levels are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM at ICK.

Weekend Islamic Studies Classes
The Weekend classes on Saturdays depend on the child’s current grade level in school.

Special Learning Needs
Students can be accommodated for their needs in the special education class. The special education teacher stays in contact with the parents of the student who requires accommodation to set up an individualized education program.