Sister Naila’s Family Story

For many years the Islamic Centre of Kingston has been the spiritual resting point for commuters travelling on the Ontario Highway 401. This highway sees some of the highest levels of traffic in the country as it lies in the paths between three of the largest cities in Canada, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. There are numerous stories of people who stopped by the Islamic Centre of Kingston to perform their obligatory prayers during their travels.
One story that we found very interesting is that of sister Naila’s family. Below she shares with us her family’s experience with the Islamic Centre of Kingston.
In Her Own Words
The Islamic Centre of Kingston has become a home away from home for our family. Mash Allah,every time we needed a place to pray, rest, break our fast – the exit for the masjid would show up.
I moved to Gatineau during Ramadan of 2017 for work-related purposes. As we drove from the GTA to Gatineau, I remember thinking that I did not want to miss any salaahs in Jamaat while travelling. The skies got darker as we drove towards Gatineau; we started searching the GPS for a masjid to stop at. Allhamdulillah, we came across the Islamic Centre of Kingston.
Masha Allah, as we walked into the masjid, we were welcomed with open arms. There were brothers there with iftaar asking us and other travellers to join them. There was even a group of three brothers travelling from Paris – they were driving through Canada and made a stop over at the masjid. It was at this point when we decided that the Islamic Centre of Kingston would become a regular stopover for our travels. We have even advised others travelling for work to stop over in Kingston.

For us, it is now a family Ramadan Tradition to stop for Taraweeh at the Islamic Centre of Kingston. I have always admired the Islamic Centre of Kingston.
As a young child, I would hear about the classes, youth programs, sleepovers the masjid had. I remember thinking how many great community leaders have called the Islamic Centre of Kingston their home. As an adult, each time I walk into the masjid, I cannot help but wonder how great the masjid is, as they have been able to raise their youth to have confidence and a firm belief in their Muslim Canadian identity.

It is important to invest our time and money into an institution that represents the Canadian Muslim Community – one which provides love and security for our future generations. This Ramadan, give back to your home – the Islamic Centre of Kingston.
إِنَّمَا يَعْمُرُ مَسَاجِدَ اللَّهِ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَأَقَامَ الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَى الزَّكَاةَ وَلَمْ يَخْشَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ
Only those shall maintain Allah’s mosques who believe in Allah and the Last Day and maintain the prayer and give the zakat and fear no one except Allah.
(Sūrat al-Tawbah, No 9, Āyat 18)