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  President's Annual Report, March 2010
Assalamo alaikom,
  This past year has been certainly hard and challenging on our community. The year started with the formation of an Imam Evaluation Committee (IEC), whose report and the decision of the Executive Committee (EC) on the situation of the Imam created lots of controversy. In fact, several events took place that shook our community for a few months with clear disagreement, with the EC in between. This made us more occupied with internal affairs and differences as opposed to proper responsibilities towards Islamic education, social and da’wa activities. Several committees were dormant, including Strategic Planning and Future Projects and Planning – two very important committees for future planning of the Muslim community in Kingston.
  Nevertheless, many activities took place this year. I would like to express my appreciation to the volunteers that help run the ICK, for the time and energy they spent for the service of the community, May Allah (SWT) reward them all.
  The Imam Hiring Committee has been very active and diligent. While we still do not have our prospective Imam, several candidates have been interviewed and there are still more in the pipeline. On the education front, children education through the Evening school and Sunday school remained strong (with the grace of Allah swt). As well, things are getting back to normal with several education and children activities, in the past 3-4 months. These are detailed in the Education committee’s report. Imam Tarek provides a number of education and religious programs that are detailed in his report
  Community outreach remains strong. We have had a very successful International Bazaar, where we managed to attract large numbers of the Kingston community to come to the ICK. We continue to participate in Multi-faith activities in Kingston. We maintain excellent ties with Human Concern International (HCI). We have also seen more collaboration with the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) where we continued our engagement in Islamic History Month (IHM) activities. An IHM Kingston committee was established, which arranged for the activities during October 2009. A number of programs were organized, including lectures by prominent speakers, book/movie reviews, web site and other events. These are detailed in the committee’s report. Many other activities are managed by the Da’wa Committee.
  This year had further interaction and cooperation with QUMSA and students at Queen’s. QUMSA were so much involved in IHMK activities. The ICK hosted QUMSA’s annual charity dinner and fundraiser. As well, more and more students are becoming members of the ISK and engaging in ISK events and activities. I am very proud of the work of QUMSA and of the QUMSA Executive and Queen’s students.
  Please forgive my mistakes and shortcomings over these past 2 years. I pray to Allah (SWT) for His guidance and help in building a community that works for His pleasure, a community where the members care for each other, a community that strives to live in peace with each other, and within the Kingston community
  Hossam Hassanein

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